Walter Lupi
Full technique divided into 4 modules and 10 musical studies - Method + DVD
Development on three levels of the Flatfinger Method's songs, - Method + CD
Under your fingers
A Walter Lupi idea, developed by Riccardo Fregonese.
A stylized compass on the hole of the guitar, to recall the "acoustic" roots of Walter Lupi, want to indicate in no uncertain terms the ultimate aim of ChordsMAP, which will help all its users to "map" a guitar fret board and then to know and identify any agreement that in fact you can play on this instrument.
To do this, all of the app's content are based on a solid theoretical basis, developed precisely by Walter Lupi during his musical experience, combined with the reading system EDCAG: a reinterpretation of the famous polyphonic cadge system.
The app provides its users a theoretical part ( "Tutor"), in which this theory is explained in detail, in a kind of digital manual with pictures, links to extra content and of course of exercises for learn to put esplicati concepts into practice.