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Unghia Soft - attacco dolce e maggior adattabilità all'unghia naturale

Contenuto Ricarica:

n° 80 applicazioni di biadesivo 
n° 3 strisce adesivo di finitura
n° 8 unghie pre sagomate di tipo Soft Nails


Soft - flexyble shape with an excellent adaptability on your own natural nail.

The Refill Contains:

n° 80 double-sided adhesive applications 
n° 3 stripes finishing adhesive
n° 8 pre-shaped Soft nails

Refill/Refill - "Soft"

SKU: 003
Excluding VAT
  • Shipping: Courier

    Shipping cost: €6.00/10.00

    Delivery time: 2-4 days (Italy/EU)

    Shipping days: Tuesday and Thursday 

    The prices shown are excluding VAT


    Shipping: Courier

    Shipping Cost: €6.00/12.00

    Delivery time: 3-6 days (non-EU) 

    Shipment days: Tuesday and Thursday

    Prices are excluding VAT


  • The nails have a number on the tip indicating the size. 

    Their approximate width is:


    The nails have a number on the tip that indicates the size; their approximate width is:

    no. 0= Extra Large (mm14/18) 

    no. 1= Large (mm12/16) 

    no. 2= Medium (mm10/14) 

    no. 3= Small (mm9/12) 

    no. 4= Extra Small (mm08/11)

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