Walter Lupi,
Performer and teacher, he devised a technique of expansion and strengthening of the right hand which combines the rhythmic and melodic incisiveness of the plectrum technique with the polyphony of traditional pizzicato. This approach favors the insertion of rhythmic modules while keeping the parts relating to the bass and melody counterpoint unchanged, pronouncing melodic lines, themes, or intermediate voices of a piece of music with greater fluidity
Review of Maestro Mauro Storti's method:
“It is rather rare for a great artist to find the time to pause and analyze his own art in an attempt to generously reveal, if not its hidden secrets, the first fundamental foundations to young apprentices. This is all the more rare, in my opinion, in the guitar field where ancient and obsolete teaching gardens are still cultivated, far removed from today's musical practice. In reading this work my thoughts went to that famous saying of the good Montaigne: "C'est toujours plaisir de voir les choses escrites par ceux, qui ont essayé comme il les faut conduire”. Mine was indeed a double pleasure produced by the refined quality of the musical content and the orderly exposition of the technical content. Here Walter Lupi didn't limit himself to just trying, but he went there safely, starting from a concrete and recognized personal artistic experience of the highest level”.
Mauro Storti-(Guitarist-Teacher)
Under your fingers
An idea by Walter Lupi developed by Riccardo Fregonese
A stylized compass on the soundhole of the guitar, to recall the "acoustic" roots of Walter Lupi, want to indicate in no uncertain terms the ultimate purpose of ChordsMAP, which will help all its users to "map" the fretboard of the guitar and therefore to know and identify every chord that is actually possible to play on this instrument.
To do this, all the contents of the app are based on a solid theoretical basis, developed precisely by Walter Lupi during his musical experience, combined with the EDCAG reading system: a polyphonic reinterpretation of the better known CADGE system.
The app makes available to its users a theoretical part ("Tutor"), in which this theory is explained in detail, in a sort of digital manual with images, links to extra and in-depth content, and of course exercises for learn to put the concepts into practice. The interesting feature is the possibility of saving the chords identified through the use of the algorithm and depositing them in order according to a score form: a sort of personal memo in pdf format that can be downloaded onto one's Smartphone.